Sunday, April 5, 2009

Magical Eggstravaganza

Saturday, we took the kids to the Easter festival in cleveland. We started with the egg hunt, 18,000 eggs on the Truett McConnell College campus. Darrin and Nicholas took Jack on his first hunt and i stayed with Lucy and Katie. Grandma and Pop pop came too. It took about 2 mins for all 18000 eggs to be picked up. Katie ended up with 23 eggs, Jack 15 and Lucy 5. They were all very happy with their finds. The eggs contianed candy, small toys or certificates for prizes at Babyland. Katie won a bracelet and stickers. Lucy won a cabbage patch doll named Daisy.

After the egg hunt was a festival, arts and crafts, concessions and of course inflatables, etc for the kids. Lucy chose the bungee trampoline, jack did the slide with the help of Nick. After a tour of babyland we called it a day.

Easter Party

Lucy had her Easter party at school friday. Let me first say how glad i am that in this politically correct world that the Union County School System, still allows Easter parties. Quite refreshing.

Lucy had a great time. She was dressed as a flower. The kids were treated with ice cream sundaes with endless toppings and an egg hunt. Despite the cold temps outside she managed to find 5 eggs, though the teachers gave her many more in the end.