Sunday, February 21, 2010

weekend project...

Labor day weekend, Darrin and I drove to atlanta to buy a swingset. We kept it hidden until we decided that there was no way it was going to self erect itself, and our volunteers to help put it together Christmas Eve night had dissolved to none. So we explained to the kids here is an early Christmas present, etc, etc. We started on it early october and finally finished it this weekend. So lets see it was 25 steps and in took 5 months. That's our speed... It may be a bit crooked but the kids love it.

Winter Olympics

Crosscountry Skiing, what an imagination......

Snow Days....

Ah, my least favorite time of the year....snow days. At least this time it fell on a saturday when i did not have to worry about getting to work and getting the kids somewhere other than school. We had about 4 inches, Lucy had spent the night with nana the night before, so it was just me with the boys. Jack and Nic made the best of it. They built a snowman and attempted to sled. It was all fun for about 15 mins then the cold set in and it was time to come back in and go stir crazy!