Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Hard Week for Football

Nic had 2 games this past week, both were lost. The panthers versed their 2 hardest opponents. Here are some shots from both games....

# 3

Jack celebrated his third birthday with a family party on Sunday. He had so much fun opening his presents and eating his baseball cake and cupcakes his nana made him.
Happy Birthday Baby Jack!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Odd so very odd

This is the only way that i can describe my 15 year highschool reunion. I was so very lucky in that my bff came up to get ready and go with me. Keep in mind when you see the pictures that Lucy was the only photographer available, Darrin was crashed out in the chair. Though i was nervous it ended up being such a great night. I got to visit with so many old friends. In school you can't help but think what your life will be like in 15 years, I can honestly say I am so happy with mine. I am truly blessed too that i have the greatest friend ever, still. Trae, i love ya!

and Molly you were missed so much.


Nic had his 2nd game thursday. It ended with a win. It was their first home game which made the win so much sweeter. Not to mention the victory dinner that followed at the mexcian resturant.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

To celebrate Jacks 3rd birthday we took him to the Gwinnett Braves game. He left dressed for the part. He wore his batting helmet and held his bat the entire 1 hr 45 min trip. He was so excited to be there. He seemed to love the whole experience, learning the tomahawk chop and especially during the 7th inning when we all got to join in singing "take me out to the ballgame." Nic and Lucy had a great time too. Lucy loved Chopper and the cracker jack concessions. Being in the stadium seemed to spark Nic's interest back in baseball. I found the game to be a great experience for all of us, and from a parents point of view a very clean, friendly place that didn't break the bank.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Game Day....Finally

After 2 rainouts, Nic finally got to have his first game. How exciting it was for all of us. The game started out shaky but the boys shook the first game jitters and the 2nd half was much better. I find it so odd to be sitting in the stands cheering on my son when it feels like I should still be out there cheering. How can i possibly be this old? Lucy and Jack showed their spirit by wearing panther shirts with Nic's #, 34, on the back. Emily is the captain of the cheerleading squad which for us makes the game twice is great. In the end the Panthers lost.

After the game, we took Lucy and Jack to chick-fil-a to celebrate Lucy making 100's on all 3 of her tests last week. Chick-fil-a ranks pretty close to the top of Lucy's list for the funnest things to do. As you can see from above she is now completely worn out and snoring quite loudly. Nic is busy trying to finish a paper due in the morning. Another late night for him.